Welcome to the Employability Skills series of courses! These courses are designed to be completed asynchronously and should take approximately one hour each. You do not have to complete all components of the courses at one time and you do not have to complete the courses in any particular order. This course includes videos, interactive activities, and a culminating quiz. Feel free to access the course as frequently as needed!
Employability Skills are the non-technical, transferable personal and interpersonal skills required to be successful in a work environment. Building employability skills enhances one’s college and career readiness. The term “employability skills” is often used interchangeably with “soft skills” or “work readiness skills.”
The Employability Skills Framework developed by the U.S. Department of Education was utilized as the guiding resource to establish the list of desired employability skills and the definitions thereof.
The nine employability skills featured in these modules are categorized by Effective Relationships, Workplace Skills, and Applied Knowledge. They are also aligned with the U.S. Department of Labor Soft Skills, bridging education and workforce development. The Crosswalk of the U.S. Department of Education Employability Skills and the U.S. Department of Labor Soft Skills can be viewed here.
This course will focus on Systems Thinking.